Ruy Lopez Opening
The Ruy Lopez (also called the "Spanish" opening) starts out as:
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5
The Ruy Lopez is an old opening; it is named after Ruy Lopez, a 16th Century Spanish clergyman and chess enthusiast. He made a systematic study of this and other chess openings, which he recorded in a 150 page book. However, although it is named after him, this particular opening was known earlier; it is included in the Gottengen manuscript, which dates from 1490. Popular use of the Ruy Lopez opening did not develop, however, until the mid 1800's when Jaenisch, a Russian theoretician, "rediscovered" its potential. The opening is still in active use; it is a favorite of Gary Kasparov and Bobby Fischer. In it, White creates a potential pin of the d-pawn or Knight and starts an attack immediately, while simultaneously preparing to castle.
White generally directs pressure on Black's e-pawn and tries to prepare for a pawn on d4. It's known that Black's best reply on move 3 is a6, which attacks White's attacking bishop. After that, White can back up (Ba4) or exchange pieces (Bxc6).
Nimzo-Indian, Bogo-Indian, and Queen's Indian Defense
All of these "Indian" defenses start with:
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6
The Nimzo-Indian continues with "Nc3 Bb4". In the Nimzo-Indian, White tries to create a pawn center and mass his pieces behind behind them for attack.
King's Gambit
This opening was the most popular opening in the 1800s. White offers a pawn in exchange for rapid development. It's rarely seen now at the master level; according to Keene it's been found that Black can obtain a reasonable position (giving nothing for White's pawn).
1. e4 e5 2. f4
A natural following move is "exf4" accepting the gambit.Dutch Defense
The Dutch Defense starts out as:
1. d4 f5
The Dutch defense is an aggressive counterplay by Black. Black immediately begins to move toward White's kingside in an attempt to crush White. However, it also creates weaknesses in Black's position from the beginning - this move of the f-pawn weakens Black's defenses and doesn't help develop pieces.
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